Career Development

Want to grow your career or get a raise? Check out the posts about career development down below. I'm a manager by trade so I know a thing or two about what goes on behind the scenes at work. At the same time, I am far from a company man and want to help you get the most out of your career or job. My life is not my career and I try to minimize my time at work as much as possible. Hopefully some of these articles will help you realize that there's more to life than just work. However, even if we're not career driven, there's still nothing wrong with maximizing your time outside of work or maximizing your salary. After all, the perfect job is one you like and one that pays you a competitive wage. Sometimes, people don't realize how to best ask for a raise or how to efficiently work and this page is designed to help you change that. Here's to great career development and great professional growth!